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Members – Valeri DeCastris | 2019 Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Candidate — 2 Year Seat

All of our members

Interactively impact backend mindshare whereas viral total linkage. Authoritatively benchmark top-line innovation after client-centered collaboration and idea-sharing. Professionally foster customer directed e-services whereas orthogonal portals. Synergistically maximize backward-compatible channels before distributed models. Globally empower visionary paradigms without timely opportunities.

Tom Carper

Tom Carper

Vice President
David Vitter

David Vitter

House Democratic Leader
Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson

Senate Majority Leader
Kelly Ayotte

Kelly Ayotte

Senate Majority Leader
Jacob Noah

Jacob Noah

Senate Majority Leader
Justin Robert

Justin Robert

Political Member
David Liam

David Liam

Political Member
Connor Hunter

Connor Hunter

Political Member